
Personal Details

Address :

Phone : +353-86-8068764

E-Mail :

Skype : conor.gilmer

Twitter :

LinkedIn :


Programmer, Chess player, awful guitar player, sports and news junkie.

Career History

Development : Programming database driven applications for the Banking, Education, Insurance, Travel and Telecom industries.

IT Consultancy : Web design, Internet webpresence management, eLearning systems and Internet Marketing

Education and Training

B.Sc. (National University of Ireland, Maynooth)

Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Modelling and Simulation (University of Dublin)

Postgraduate Diploma in Computers for Engineers (University of Dublin)

Professional Diploma in Digital Media (Dublin Institute of Technology)

M.Sc. in Computer Science with Big Data Analytics (Wrexham University)


Certificate in Online Proficiency (Google/Digital Garage)

Fundamentals in Digital Marketing Certification (Google/Digital Garage/IAB/Open University)

Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional (Microsoft)

Mobile Sites Certification (Google)

Inbound Certification (HubSpot)

Inbound Marketing Certification (HubSpot)

Inbound Sales Certification (HubSpot)

Social Media Certification (HubSpot)

Email Marketing Certification (HubSpot)

Content Marketing Certification (HubSpot)

Google Adwords Certified - Mobile, Display, Search, Video and Shopping (Google)

Google Analytics Individual Qualification (Google)

Bing Ads Accredited Professional (Microsoft)

Inbound Certification 2017 (HubSpot)

Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (COMREG/IRTS)

Other Courses

Programmer Induction Training (SDL)

COBOL Programming (SDL)

Professional Programming (SDL)

Computer Systems Design (Arcona)

DB2 Application Programming (Circle)

Introduction to Telecommunications Systems (Telenor)

Java Programming (Beckinridge)

J2EE Programming (Beckinridge)

Object Oriented Development (Arcona)


IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Graduate Student Member)

IRTS - Irish Radio Transmitters Society (member since 2006)

ICS - Irish Computer Society (former member)

Skills Summary

Technologies used : Java, COBOL, Perl, PHP, MySql, Python, LaTeX, Linux.

Hobbies and Interests

Chess, Skiing, Cycling, Electronics, Amateur Radio, Technology, Guitar.

My Travels

The countries I have visited are in order of the first time I have visited there, Greece, Spain, USA, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, France, Cuba, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Finland, Estonia, Iceland and recently Lithuania, Latvia and Portugal.

visited 24 states (10.6%)
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